Māpua Community Boat Ramp Trust

The application seeks approval for the construction and operation of a new boat ramp at Māpua. The hearing has been adjourned awaiting additional information from the Applicant.

Update 21 February 2025 – Additional information in progress

The applicant has advised that the outstanding additional information relating to assessment of contaminants where the foreshore would be disturbed by construction of the proposed boat ramp, will be provided by Monday 14 April 2025. This timeframe allows for laboratory analysis of samples taken from the foreshore.

Another update will be posted when this additional information is received. 

The Commissioners will then issue further directions regarding the adjourned hearing.

Update 13 February 2025 – Additional information in progress

The applicant provided much of the information requested by the Hearing Commissioners in Minute No.3, on 31 January 2025.

The Commissioners have issued further directions regarding the outstanding information in their Minute No.4.

Another update will be posted when the timeframe for receiving this additional information is confirmed. 

The Commissioners will issue further directions regarding the adjourned hearing after they have received the new information.

The Further Information received to date, and the Commissioners’ Minute No.4 can be accessed here :

Update 17 December 2024 – Additional information due by 31 January 2025

The applicant has advised that they expect to provide the additional information requested by the Hearing Commissioners in Minute No.3 by 31 January 2025.

The Commissioners will issue further directions regarding the adjourned hearing after they have received the new information.  

Update 10 December 2024 – Hearing adjourned for additional information

The hearing was adjourned on 10 December 2024.  The Commissioner panel has requested additional information from the applicant.  The Commissioners’ Minute No.3 can be accessed here: 

K03 Minute No.3 Corrected Mapua Community Boat Ramp Trust Application RM230253.pdf (pdf 124 KB)

Another update will be posted when the timeframe for receiving this additional information is confirmed. 

Update 29 November 2024 – Hearing adjourned until 9 December

The hearing was adjourned at 4.30pm on Wednesday at the completion of hearing from the applicant and all the submitters who attended.   The hearing will resume on Monday 09 December 2024.  

The Commissioner Panel has issued Minute No.2 setting out their directions for the remainder of the hearing – which is primarily for the session with the Council’s reporting team, plus other matters as set out in the Minute.  In particular, the 3 traffic experts have been requested to caucus and provide a Joint Witness Statement prior to resumption of the hearing.  

The Commissioners also advise that they will make another site visit at a low tide time.  It was full tide when they visited the site on the evening of Monday 25 November.

The Commissioners’ Minute No.2 can be accessed here:

K02 Minute No.2 Māpua Community Boat Ramp Trust Application RM230253 (pdf 152 KB)

Updated Hearing Notice and Dates

This hearing will resume on the previously notified reserve days as follows:

When: Monday 09 December and Tuesday 10 December 2024.
Start time: 12 Noon (day one) – Chair’s discretion for day two.
Where: The Headingly Centre (Elm Room), 452 Lower Queen Street, Richmond (Note: this is a change of venue)

Remote attendance will be provided for via Zoom, as for the first three days of this hearing.

Update 20 November 2024 – Outstanding Issues

The Commissioners Directions dated 08 November 2024 requested that Council’s reporting officers provide a summary of Outstanding issues by 20 November.

Their summary can be accessed here:

A revised hearing timetable will be sent to the applicant and submitters on Thursday 21 November.

Update 15 November 2024 – Submitters Expert Evidence

Submitters’ expert evidence is now available as part of the pre-circulated material before the hearing.

These documents can be accessed here:

Update 8 November 2024 – Commissioners Directions for the Hearing

The Independent Hearing Commissioner panel appointed by Tasman District Council to hear and decide this resource consent application have today issued a minute setting out their directions for the order of business at the hearing and how the hearing will be conducted.  This Minute No.1 can be accessed here:

K01 Commissioner Minute No.1 Mapua Community Boat Ramp Trust Application RM230253.pdf (pdf 121 KB)

This Minute has been sent by email to all submitters who have requested to be heard.  A DRAFT hearing timetable has also been sent to the applicant and submitters.

Updated Hearing Notice and Dates

This is envisaged as being a three-day hearing, however additional days have been reserved if needed.

When: Monday 25 November to Wednesday 27 November 2024.
Start time: 9.30 am (day one) – Chair’s discretion for days two and three.
Where: Tasman District Council Chamber, 189 Queen Street, Richmond (this is a change from the venue originally notified, to enable remote attendance via zoom link).

Reserve Days: Two reserve days are available on 9 December and 10 December, should they be needed. The Commissioners do not anticipate hearing from submitters on those days but, if needed, they will be used for the Council officers’ presentations and the applicant’s right-of-reply.

The next formal step prior to the hearing is the receipt of submitters’ expert evidence:

  • Submitters’ expert evidence (6 working days before hearing) due by 3.00pm on Thursday 14 November 2024 and to be available on this webpage by 4.00 pm on Friday 15 November 2024.

Update 4 November 2024 – Applicant Evidence

The applicant’s evidence is now available as part of the pre-circulated material before the hearing.

These documents can be accessed here:

Note: these documents were substituted with searchable pdf files on 15 November 2024

Update 24 October 2024 – Council Evidence

The Council report and recommendation, referenced as ‘Attachment1 – Section 42A Hearing Report’, and other accompanying attachments, is now available in the Hearing Agenda bundle as part of the pre-circulated evidence before the hearing.

The Hearing Agena is available here:

The other attachments, as individual documents, can be accessed here:

Notice of Hearing issued 20 September 2024 (updated 25 Oct)

A notice of hearing for this consent application is issued in accordance with Section 101 of the Resource Management Act 1991. 

Hearing dates

This will be a three-day hearing.

When: Monday 25 November and Wednesday 27 November 2024.
Start time: 9.30 am (day one) – Chair’s discretion for days two and three.
Where: Tasman District Council Chamber, 189 Queen Street, Richmond (this is a change to the venue previously listed).

The independent Hearing Commissioners are Bianca Sullivan (Chair) and Graham Taylor, who will consider the resource consent application and make the decision on it. 

The expert evidence is circulated before the Hearing.

The Council, applicant and submitters who have indicated that they want to be heard must provide all their expert evidence before the hearing in accordance with section 103B of the Resource Management Act 1991(external link).

Please note:   

  1. Expert evidence is considered to be evidence from independently qualified persons such as landscape architects, traffic engineers and planners.
  2. There is no requirement for submitters to engage an expert. Submitters who do not intend to call expert witnesses do not have to comply with the timeframe below and will be able to present their own evidence at the hearing.

The hearing report and expert evidence is required to be made available within the following deadlines.

Key deadlines and evidence availability

  • The Council’s report and recommendation (section 42A report) is to be available (20 working days before the hearing) on this webpage by 4.00pm on Thursday 24 October 2024.
  • Applicant’s evidence (13 working days before hearing) is due by 12 noon on Monday 4 November and to be available on this webpage by 9.00am on Tuesday 5 November 2024.
  • Submitters’ expert evidence (6 working days before hearing) due by 3.00pm on Thursday 14 November 2024 and to be available on this webpage by 4.00 pm on Friday 15 November 2024.

The applicant and submitters who indicated that they want to be heard have been contacted individually regarding these requirements. Updates will be made to this webpage for each steps outlined above, with links to the reports and evidence that has been provided.

New amendment to proposal documents

The applicant has made amendments to their application, firstly as summarised in the Update dated 14 August -  Refer documents F01-F04 linked below.

The applicant has also lodged a further amendment on 19 September 2024, adding a floating barrier comprising a rope line of safety buoys which is proposed to run from the south end of the Mapua Wharf across to the shoreline at the end of Aranui Road.

For details of this proposed floating barrier refer documents F05-F08 linked below. 

Update 14 August 2024

In response to the large number of opposing submissions to their proposed activities, the applicant has decided to make the following changes to their application:

  • Complete removal of the proposed sea scout / community building from the application. Therefore, land use consent for this building in the Coastal Environment Area and building over a boundary is no longer required.
  • Mostly retain the existing carparking area within the waterfront park, except for some changes to the layout to allow for  the boat ramp access.
  • With  the waterfront park parking being retained, the proposed formed parking on the western side of Tahi Street is no longer required.
  • The proposed grassed trailer parking area is unchanged.
  • The proposed boat ramp is largely unchanged except that the kerbing on the southern side of the proposed access will have cut drains into the swale instead of sumps and piped outlets (reducing the amount of trenching required).
  • The  removal of the buildings and retention of the existing carparking area significantly reduces the amount and depth of earthworks required on a HAIL site, but consent will still be required for earthworks on a HAIL site.

Plans of the amended proposal can be seen on the links below. 

The applicant considers they have provided sufficient information to understand the environmental effects of the amended proposal, including matters of concern that were raised in the submissions.  

Specifically with regard to safety concerns relating to use of the proposed boat ramp, the applicant considers that the additional report from Gary Teear dated 7 November 2023 clarified matters related to tidal flows when using the boat ramp on an outgoing tide (refer Appendix 15A in Document B03 below). 

Council has accepted that the amendments made are within the scope of the original application, so there is no need to re-notify the application.

Hearing to proceed

The applicant has requested that the amended application proceed to a hearing, which will be held by Independent Hearing Commissioners.  It is envisaged that the hearing will be held sometime in November/December this year. 

Those submitters who requested to be heard will be contacted by Council’s consents staff with further details regarding the hearing, and to confirm whether they still want to be heard given the changes that have been made to the proposed activities.   

Amended proposal documents

Update 17 April 2024

On 15 April 2024, Council received a request from the applicant to suspend the processing of their application pursuant to Section 91A of the Resource Management Act 1991, and Council must oblige.

The reason for this request is to enable the applicant to address some of the matters raised in the submissions prior to the hearing. These matters fall into the following broad categories: health and safety; ecology; traffic and transportation; noise; and contaminated land.

This processing suspension will cease in accordance with either Section 91B or 91C of the Act (being the date when the applicant requests the Council to cease to suspend the processing of the application, or once 130 working days have elapsed).

Further updates will be posted here regarding the provision of any additional information that comes out of this action, including how to access that information once available.  

Update 5 March 2024

Council has received 328 submissions on this application. You can view the submissions via the links below. Two thirds of the submissions support the proposal, one third of the submissions oppose it. 88 submitters have requested to be heard (of those, 30% support the proposal, 70% oppose it).

Further updates will be posted regarding the next steps in the application process when details are confirmed. 


Tasman District Council has received the following application for resource consent.

Publicly notified Wednesday 24 January 2024. Submissions closed on at 5pm on Monday 26 February 2024.

Read a general overview of what is proposed in the amended application here or read on for full details. 

Application details


Māpua Community Boat Ramp Trust


Site address: 5, 11 and 6-16 Tahi Street, Māpua

Legal Descriptions: Lot 6 DP11502, Lot 1& 5 DP11502, Lot 2 DP 11502, Lot 2 DP 11106, Sections 13,14, 15, 16, 24 & 25,26, 27, 28 & 29 SO496194

Records of Title: RTs NL6C/850, NL 7B/371, NL7B/373, 7B/374, 7B/375, NL7B/376, 743706, 743708, 743709,743712 & 743714s


The application seeks approval for the construction and operation of a new boat ramp within the coastal marine area and foreshore, with access from the Māpua Waterfront Park and associated consents for access and parking on the western side of Tahi Street, signage, stormwater discharge and earthworks.

The proposal also includes the construction of a Sea Scout / Community building within the Māpua Waterfront Park.

The subject site includes 5, 11 and 6-16 Tahi Street, Māpua, and is zoned Recreation, Open Space, Residential and Coastal Residential under the Tasman Resource Management Plan.

The land is also subject to the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011, with activities described in the Hazardous Activities and Industries List having been undertaken on it in the past.

The resource consents 

Resource Consents Sought

RM230253: Land use consent to construct boat ramp and signage in the Open Space Zone and Coastal Environment Area.

RM230388: Land use consent for carparking in association with the boat ramp plus a public parking area.

RM230254: Land use consent under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health for soil disturbance.

RM230255: Land Disturbance within the Coastal Environment Area for construction of the boat ramp, sea scout building and associated infrastructure including car parking areas.

RM230256: Disturbance of the Coastal Marine Area in association with construction of the boat ramp.

RM230257: Occupation of the Coastal Marine Area for the purpose of constructing and operating a boat ramp.

RM230258: Discharge of sediment to the Coastal Marine Area during construction of the boat ramp.

RM230259: Discharge of stormwater into the Coastal Marine Area.

RMA Consent Type Activity Status
Section 9 Land Use Operation of a boat ramp in the Open Space zone. Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Construction of a building [sea scout building and boat ramp] which does not comply with boundary setbacks. Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Use of a building [sea scout building] for a community activity in the Recreation zone. Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Breach of permitted noise levels within the Residential, Open Space and Recreation zones. Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Erection of 9 signs associated with the boat ramp and car parking. Restricted Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Construction of more than one crossing which exceed the maximum width and exemption from providing a footpath on the eastern side of Tahi Street to serve the Sea Scout building. Restricted Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Breach of visibility splay standards, not sealing the car park and no provision of a loading area on car park on the western side of Tahi Street. Restricted Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Construction of a building [boat ramp] which is not setback from Mean High Water Springs in the Coastal Environment Area. Restricted Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use Land Disturbance within the Coastal Environment Area for construction of the boat ramp, sea scout building and associated infrastructure including car parking. Discretionary
Section 9 Land Use (NES:CS) Soil disturbance and change of use of contaminated land. Restricted Discretionary / Discretionary
Section 12 Coastal permit Land disturbance within the Coastal Environment where there is the potential for material to enter the coastal marine area. Discretionary
Section 12 Coastal permit Disturbance and occupation of the seabed and foreshore associated with construction and use of the boat ramp. Discretionary
Section 12 Coastal permit Discharge of sediment during construction to the coastal marine area. Discretionary
Section 12 Coastal permit Discharge of stormwater to the coastal marine area. Discretionary

These resource consents required are all inter-related and are considered collectively (bundled) as a discretionary activity.


You can see the application documents below.

If you have any questions about the application contact us by email at [email protected] or phone 03 543 8400.

Read a general overview of what is proposed in the amended application here. 

Original Application (now superseded by the information in document B03)

First Further Information Request and Response (full revised application)

Second Further Information Request

Additional Points of Clarification

Public Notification Decision



Submissions closed at 5pm on Monday 26 February 2024.


Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that—

a) adversely affects the environment; and

b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.


The submission must be in accordance with Form 13 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. 

You can lodge your submission with the Tasman District Council (Resource Consents Administration Officer) in any of the following ways:

  • Email at [email protected];
  • Post to Private Bag 4, Richmond 7050; or
  • Hand deliver to any of our services centres.

You must also serve a copy of your submission on Māpua Community Boat Ramp Trust (the applicant) as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Tasman District Council. The applicant’s contact details are:

Māpua Community Boat Ramp Trust
C/- Davis Ogilvie Ltd, FAO Mark Morris
via email: [email protected] or physical address: 1/42 Oxford Street, Richmond 7020.

Help with your submission

More information on submissions can also be found here.

    Read the following if you're thinking of making a submission: