New to Tasman

Useful information for anyone new to the region and settling in here.

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Nau Mai, Haere Mai ki Te Tai o Aorere - Welcome to Tasman District

Find your feet with Council services(external link)

Connect with others(external link)

Love your local library(external link)

Getting around(external link)

Places to live(external link)

Language and other support(external link)

Work and business(external link)

Education(external link)

Things to do in Tasman(external link)

Local facts and history(external link)

Tasman is well-known for welcoming newcomers to our region. From the eight iwi of Te Tau Ihu, to past and recent internationals, people have always found a home here. With one in five people internationally born, Tasman/Nelson has more than 100 different ethnicities living in its environs. 
Living an extraordinary life is an everyday experience here. We are well-connected both locally and globally, a place of surprising diversity, vibrant arts and artisans, with clever urban and rural businesses, all thriving amongst stunning natural landscapes. 
As a newcomer the information on this page provides a starting point for the knowledge you need to settle and create a great life in Tasman. If you have other questions, you can always call us on  03 543 8400.