eBus Service

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Bikes back on buses

Our eBus has been the first in New Zealand to receive an exemption to the obstruction rule, which means a 24/7 bike rack service has returned in Nelson Tasman.

Bike racks were removed from buses across New Zealand on Friday 8 November as a precautionary measure implemented following concerns that the racks may partially obstruct bus headlights.

A working group comprising Councils, public transport operators, and NZTA Waka Kotahi staff, was set up to reach an agreed pathway to return the use of bike racks to buses. In mid-January 2025 this working group released a set of agreed conditions and steps. Our eBus fleet meets the new conditions.

A diagram was issued to public transport operators with a reference line. If the centre of the headlight is below the
reference line, then the illumination is effective.

eBus mechanics drew the reference line across the headlights on our buses, which revealed that we would not be
required to change our racks or buses.

Visit the new eBus website(external link) for full details of routes, timetables and fares.

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