
Find out about rates on Tasman properties, how we set our rates, how you can pay them, and whether you might be eligible for a rates rebate. Worried about your rates bill? Get information about paying by Direct Debit.

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Your rates keep Tasman running

This short video provides an overview of your rates - what goes into your bill and how revaluations can affect what you pay.

Rates information 

Funding Impact Statement including rating maps 2024-2025 (pdf 28 MB)

Rates information for the 2024-2025 year (pdf 1 MB)

Rates assessment for 2024-2025 (pdf 82 KB)

Rates forms

View a list of rates forms for remissions, rebates and more.(external link)

Find rates information for a Tasman property.

Sign up to receive rates and water bills by email.

An easy payment option which can spread your payments over 12 months.

Make a payment with credit card or online banking.

Find due dates for rates and water rates.

Low-income earners can have some of their rates credited. This is known as a rates rebate.

Discounts (remissions) on rate are available in certain situations.

Got a question about your bill, or rates in general? This guide will help.

We use three-yearly rating valuations by QV as the basis for rating properties. 

We set rates on 30 June each year. This section explains the various charges included in your rates.