
Tasman District Council looks after twelve cemeteries in the district. Find out more about them, search our records or submit a photo of a headstone.

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The Tasman District Council manages cemeteries throughout the district. You can reserve a plot in any of our cemeteries by contacting one of our Customer Service Centres.

Not all cemetery records are held by us - some cemeteries in the area are managed by trustees and churches - and you won't find those on these pages.

Search for cemetery records by name, or use advanced search for more detailed searching.

Cemeteries are peaceful and interesting places - whether you're there to do genealogical research, feel closer to someone who's passed, or just soak in the history and stories.

You can submit an image for a headstone, or you can replace an existing image by submitting a new one.

You can use this form to apply for a burial warrant in the Tasman district.