Ruru Building Ltd - Industrial Activity at Green Lane Motueka

Publicly notified resource consent application by Ruru Building Limited for activity at 54 Green Lane Motueka. Submissions closed 19 May 2023.

Tasman District Council has received the following application for resource consent.

Publicly notified Wednesday 19 April 2023. Submissions closed on Friday 19 May 2023. 

Update 7 February 2024

Resource Management Act 1991 – Notified Application for Resource Consent: RM210785, RM210786 & RM220974 – Ruru Building Limited – Hearing Update

This is an update on the resource consent applications by Ruru Building Ltd, referenced by the Council as RM210785, RM210786 and RM220974.  The applications were notified on 19 April 2023 and submissions closed 19 May 2023.  Council received 208 submissions in total, with 55 parties wanting to be heard. 

Following the close of submissions, there have been three key issues that needed to be addressed. 

First and foremost, was that Council needed confirmation the Applicant wished to proceed to a hearing.  This is still outstanding.

Secondly, and without addressing the first issue, the Applicant requested a pre-hearing meeting with the Council and submitters on 15 June 2023.  However, after further correspondence and deliberation, Council ultimately declined that request on 31 August 2023 because the nature in which it was requested to proceed was unlikely to have been fair or reasonable to all of the submitters. 

Third, the Applicant also requested Council strike out all of the submissions opposing the application that relate to the impact of the proposed activities on future operations at Motueka Aerodrome on 15 August 2023.  However, Council also ultimately decided against that on 17 August 2023 because there was insufficient reason to do so.

In light of the above, Council would like to clarify to all submitters that these applications are effectively on-hold while waiting for the Applicant to confirm they wish to proceed to a hearing, and in turn, pay the base deposit fee before we can make the necessary arrangements in that regard. Given commissioner and staff availability, a hearing in the first half of 2024 is still feasible should they choose to pursue their application. We thank you for your patience and understanding in this respect to date, and will provide a further update should the situation change.

Update 1 June 2023

Council has received 208 submissions on this application.  You can view the submissions below. 55 submitters have requested to be heard. 

Further updates will be posted regarding the next steps in the application process when details are confirmed.


Application details


Ruru Building Limited.


54 Green Lane Motueka (being Lot 12 DP 1512, land title NL3D/643)


Ruru Building Limited has applied to Tasman District Council for resource consents for an industrial activity being construction of relocatable homes on rural productive land at 54 Green Lane, Motueka, with an associated discharge of domestic wastewater to land.  

The proposed industrial activity will protrude above the 1:50 Height Control (Obstacle Limitation Surface) protecting the northeast flight approach to Motueka Aerodrome, thereby potentially restricting future uses of the runways; and will potentially divert flood waters around the site at 54 Green Lane. 

The land is zoned Rural 1 and in the Land Disturbance Area 1 under the Tasman Resource Management Plan. 

The resource consents 

Application number/s:  RM210785, RM210786, RM220974

Description of activity:  RM210785 - Land use consent to undertake an industrial activity in a Rural 1 Zone which is the construction of relocatable homes, involving:

  • construction of buildings within the boundary setback and exceeding building coverage,
  • construction of buildings which breach the airport height controls for the Motueka Aerodrome,
  • construction of more than one vehicle access for the site; and
  • construction of bunds (earthworks) that may result in diversion of flood waters.
  • change of land use from productive to industrial per the NES for contaminated soils 

RM210786 - Discharge consent for domestic wastewater exceeding 2000 litres per day.

RM220974 – Damming or diversion of floodwaters by earth bunds.


Consent Type



Section 9

Land Use

Undertake an industrial activity which is the construction and storage of relocatable homes


Section 9

Land Use

Construction of buildings exceeding permitted height, within the boundary setback and exceeding building coverage

Restricted Discretionary

Section 9

Land Use

Construction of more than one vehicle access

Restricted Discretionary

Section 9

Land Use

Construction of earth bunds that may dam or divert flood waters (or Section 14 RMA applies)


Section 9

Land Use

Construction of buildings which breach the height restriction in TRMP Schedule 16.11A.

Restricted Discretionary


Change of land use

Change of use of productive land to industrial activity (confirm if this is needed?)


Section 15


Discharge of domestic wastewater exceeding 2,000 litres per day


Section 14

Dam or divert water

Construction of earth bunds that may dam or divert flood waters

Restricted Discretionary

These resource consents required are all inter-related and are considered collectively (bundled) as a discretionary activity.


You can see the application documents below, or paper copies are available at our Motueka service centre during normal office hours.

If you have any questions about the application contact us by email or phone.

Refer to the site plans B07 and D07 to see a general overview of the proposed activities.   

Original Application

First Further Information Request and Response

Information relating to the TRMP Height Control (Obstacle Limitation Surface) for Motueka Aerodrome

Further Information 

Public Notification Decision