TRMP changes

When we change the Tasman Resource Management Plan there are several rounds of consultation - from discussion to final adoption:

This section is organised to match the change process  - from initial discussion to final adoption.

What is the plan change process?

  1. A discussion document or draft Plan Change is sent out to the public and consulted on.
  2. After feedback, the draft is amended for public notification - it becomes a proposed Plan Change.
  3. Submissions are received, processed and a hearing held on the submissions.
  4. Once decisions are made on the Plan Change, these are notified.
  5. After any appeals are received and resolved, the Plan Change becomes operative.

Current notified changes are listed in this section.

Download forms to have your say on planning changes.

Get details of recently notified decisions. 

Withdrawn Plan Changes retained for reference purposes.

This resource aims to address a set of questions that are being raised publicly.