This page contains the notified Change as well as supporting documentation, summaries of submissions received, and any decisions made for each Plan Change (as or when applicable at each stage of the process).
A Public Notice for the decision of this Plan Change was released on Friday 2 June 2023, however, the appeal period does not begin until Wednesday 5 July 2023, as that is when all information regarding the decision can be made publicly available. All appeals need to be lodged with the Environment Court and the appeal period will close on Wednesday 16 August 2023.
Plan change was notified 16 September 2022 and submissions closed Monday 17 October 2022. The call for Further Submissions opened on Monday 31 October and closed on Friday 11 November 2022. The Hearing was held on Friday 16 December 2022, at the Tasman District Council, Council Chambers.
All submissions or feedback (including the names and contact details of submitters) are public information and may be made available to the public and media in various reports and formats including on Council’s website. Personal information will also be used for administration relating to the subject matter of submissions. Submitters have the right to access and correct any personal information included in any reports, information, or submissions.
C77 - Decision Report - FINAL.pdf (pdf 168 KB)
PC 77 - Schedule of Amendments FINAL.pdf (pdf 232 KB)
PC 77 Murchison AREAS Map 92 DECISION.pdf (pdf 191 KB)
PC 77 Murhison Zone Map 92 DECISION.pdf (pdf 206 KB)
PC 77 Murchison FirebanMap 276 DECISION.pdf (pdf 389 KB)
PC 77 Murchison GrowthPlan Zone Map 34 DECISION (2) ERRATUM.pdf (pdf 594 KB)
The purpose – and therefore the objective – of Plan Change 77 is to provide additional land for residential housing in the Murchison township and to provide for rural residential living opportunities in the wider Murchison area. This is proposed to be achieved by rezoning land identified in the Future Development Strategy 2022 for residential and rural residential expansion in the Murchison area. This is responding to region-wide issues around the need to provide for population growth. This is also responding to strong feedback from the Murchison community on the current lack of Residential and Rural Residential zoned land in the Murchison area which is available for development.
The Hearing for Plan Change 77 Growth - Murchison was held on Friday 16 December 2022 at the Tasman District Council, Council Chambers, starting at 1 pm.
Agenda and Notice of Hearing (pdf 80 KB)
PC 77 Murchison S42a Report (pdf 347 KB)
Appendix 1 - PC 77 (pdf 1.4 MB)
Appendix 2 - PC 77 (pdf 2.8 MB)
Appendix 3 - PC 77 (pdf 416 KB)
Appendix 4 - PC 77 (pdf 20 KB)
Appendix 5 - PC 77 (Further Submissions) (pdf 1.2 MB)
Plan Change Notified: 16 September 2022
Submissions opened: Monday 19 September 2022
Submissions closed: Monday 17 October 2022
Date Notified: 28 October 2022
Further Submissions Closed: 11 November 2022
Further submissions can be e-mailed to: [email protected]
View the Submissions:
PC 77 Murchison summary of submissions by name.pdf (pdf 161 KB)
PC 77 Murchison summary of submissions by Topic.pdf (pdf 163 KB)
PC77 Murchison Original Submissions Received.pdf (pdf 940 KB)
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