This page contains the notified Change as well as supporting documentation, summaries of submissions received, and any decisions made for each Plan Change (as or when applicable at each stage of the process).
Date: 16 February 2023
The purpose – and therefore the objective – of Plan Change 78 is to rezone a parcel of land at Massey Street, St Arnaud from Conservation to Papakāinga Zone to enable the land to be used for a range of traditional, spiritual, and cultural activities. The identified site is owned by the Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust and includes land that was returned to them under the Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, and Rangitāne o Wairau Claims Settlement Act 2014. The proposed rezoning will enable the Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust to use this land for the intended cultural redress purposes. This is considered to be an appropriate way of achieving the purpose of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
Any adverse effects will be able to be managed under the existing Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) provisions, including controls at the time of development.
Plan Change Notified: 16 September 2022
Submissions opened: Monday 19 September 2022
Submissions closed: Monday 17 October 2022
Date Notified: 28 October 2022
Further Submissions Closed: 11 November 2022
Further submissions can be e-mailed to: [email protected]
View the Submissions:
PC 78 St. Arnaud summary of submissions by name and topic.pdf (pdf 145 KB)
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