Tasman Resource Management Plan

This is how we manage and protect our environment, wisely use our natural resources and plan for a thriving resilient Tasman.

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This work is managed by the Environmental Policy Team.

The Environmental Policy Team manages the Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) specifically aiming to balance two key aspects.

Balance development with environmental protection.

The TRMP safeguards nature (waterways, wildlife, landscapes) while allowing sustainable
resource use for agriculture and construction. This means responsible practices that minimize environmental impact.

Thriving and resilient.

The TRMP ensures the Tasman district is thriving and resilient today without compromising the future.

The future of the Tasman Environment Plan – Aorere ki uta Aorere ki tai

Find area and zone maps in the Tasman Resource Management Plan.

When we change the Tasman Resource Management Plan there are several rounds of consultation - from discussion to final adoption:

Guidance for activities that might require resource consent, and best practice guides to help you minimise effects on the environment.

How the Rural Land is managed in the District, the different zones, and the rationale for them.

We recognise cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional associations of iwi with our identified statutory area. Learn more and view maps.

Various iwi management plans are lodged with us to help us consider changes to resource management plans or statements.

We make submissions on national policy statements, national environmental standards and regulations that influence the Tasman Regional Policy Statement and Tasman Resource Management Plan.