Part V applies to all uses of water including taking, diverting and damming.
Part IV applies to all activities carried out in the beds and on the surfaces of streams, rivers and lakes.
Part VI of the Plan addresses the discharge of contaminants into water and the management of water quality.
Part V - Introduction - 2011-10-01.pdf (pdf 84 KB)
30 - Taking, Damming, Diverting Water - 2020-12-19.pdf (pdf 481 KB)
This chapter deals with the issues relating to freshwater and inshore coastal water. It does not address open coastal water, or activities in the beds of rivers, streams or lakes (to be included in Part IV).
The chapter separates out the four main topic areas in relation to water, namely:
There are three broad issues identified as follows:
For each of these issues there are objectives and policies; methods of implementation; principal reasons and explanation; performance monitoring indicators and anticipated environmental results.
31 - Rules for Water Takes, Damming or Diversion - 2020-12-19.pdf (pdf 434 KB)
This chapter includes the rules for the taking, diversion and use of water (except where it is diversion of floodwater or diversion of water from a wetland) and includes inshore coastal water. The water management zones and the soil areas; and the Surface Water Protection Area are shown on the planning maps.
In broad terms, the rules included in this chapter are as follows:
32 - Info Req'd with Permit Appns - 2020-12-29.pdf (pdf 110 KB)
This chapter gives guidelines for the information that may be required to accompany applications to take, use, dam or divert water. The matters listed may not be relevant to every application, nor is it an exhaustive list. Applicants are obliged to provide sufficient information to meet the requirements of Section 88 and the Fourth Schedule of the Act.
In addition to the general requirements, there are specific information requirements for:
This annex is included for information only - it is not part of the Tasman Resource Management Plan.
This annex is included for information only - it is not part of the Tasman Resource Management Plan.
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