Earthquake faults

Our region has the potential to be affected by earthquakes, including the rupture of local fault lines and those further afield.

Bluff Station, Kēkerengū Valley, Kaikoura earthquake 2016. Photo credit: Courtesy GNS 

Conway near Kaikoura, Kaikoura earthquake 2016. Photo credit: SNPA

Earthquakes can result in a range of impacts. Surface rupture along a fault can result in the displacement of the ground surface by up to several metres, both in a horizontal and vertical sense, severely damaging anything that lies across it. The displaced land may be raised, lowered or tilted and this can occur some distance from the fault line. Severe ground shaking can damage built structures, trigger landslides, and cause liquefaction

Earthquakes have the potential for loss of life, serious injury, and significantly damage those things that we value and/or rely on for everyday living.  Structural damage to buildings and infrastructural lifelines may take months or years to fully repair and some effects may even be permanent. Some of our communities, such as Murchison and Golden Bay/Mohua, could become isolated for significant periods of time should large landslides (resulting from an earthquake) block access roads. The region as a whole may be isolated following a large earthquake.

Review of active earthquake faults in the Tasman district 

We have started work on a natural hazards plan change(external link) to the Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP).  As part of this process, we are improving our knowledge about local hazards and sharing that information with affected landowners and communities. We have sought expert technical advice to identify active faults in our district which warrant consideration for inclusion in the TRMP.  

The Tasman Resource Management Plan currently includes parts of the Waimea​, Eighty-Eight​, Wairau-Alpine, White Creek​ and Lyell​ faults within the ‘Fault Rupture Risk Area’ overlay as shown on our planning maps.  The associated planning rules seek to avoid establishing buildings and other structures directly over these active fault lines to protect people and property. The overlay and rules act as a flag to pay extra attention when developing a site or undertaking new building work in that area and requires a geotechnical assessment to confirm the location of the fault line.

The technical advice notes that, in addition to the faults already included within the Fault Rupture Risk Area, the Whangamoa, Wakamarama and Kikiwa faults are considered active and recommends that they should also be included within the TRMP for the purpose of planning controls.  

Explore the active faults in the district on the Natural Hazards map viewer.(external link)

The methodology, outputs and maps can be viewed in the following technical report: 

 Review of Active Earthquake Faults in the Tasman District (pdf 6.4 MB)

Other technical reports that outline the location of faults in the district are included below:

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