Find out about water restrictions for properties not connected to the reticulated Council supply (for instance a bore, well, water from your own property or a neighbour's property and via resource consent).
Water consent holders:
If you're a water consent holder, you can find out what your current rationing stage is here(external link) or check the 329 notices below.
When conditions are dry and there is a risk of low river flows and/or seawater intrusion into aquifers, we consider restrictions for water use through a forum called the Dry Weather Task Force (DWTF). The task force is made up of water user representatives and council staff.
During an emergency, we may restrict or prohibit the use of water for any specified purpose, for any specified period, and for any or all users.
We let people know by public notice, Newsline, here on our website, social media and other channels.
The Council may enact penalties over and above those contained in the Water Supply Bylaw conditions to enforce these restrictions.
Tasman District Council Public Water Supply Bylaw 2016 - Amended 2019 (pdf 1021 KB)
For further information about your water management zone or rationing stages, please contact the Council Compliance Team.
The following section 329 notices have been issued:
Stage 1 for Tadmor, Baton, Tapawera, Glen Rae - effective 17 March (pdf 114 KB)
Stage 2 for Moutere Eastern and Coastal - continues 17 March (pdf 115 KB)
Stage 3 for Motupiko - effective 10 March.pdf (pdf 105 KB)
Stage 1 for Motupiko and Rainy Zones - effective 3 March (pdf 111 KB)
Stage 2 for Moutere Coastal and Eastern - continues 3 March (pdf 108 KB)
Update 19 Feb: S329 notices of Motupiko, Rainy, Waimea Delta and Waimea Reservoir have been lifted due to recent rains. Moutere Coastal and Eastern Stage 2 rationing continues.
329 Notice Waimea Delta Waimea Reservoir (pdf 119 KB)
S329 Stage 2 Commences Motupiko Feb 17 (pdf 106 KB)
S329 Stage 2 commences Moutere Eastern and Coastal - Feb 17 (pdf 109 KB)
S329 - Moutere Eastern and Moutere Coastal - Stage One effective 10 Feb 2025.pdf (pdf 111 KB)
S329 - Motupiko and Rainy - Stage One effective 10 Feb 2025.pdf (pdf 111 KB)
S329_27Jan_Stage 1 continues Moutere Eastern and Coastal.pdf (pdf 114 KB)
S329 13 Jan - Stage 1 continues for Moutere Eastern and Coastal (pdf 116 KB)
Please note:
For the properties in the Waimea Plains that have not been issued a new consent, or have objected to the new consent conditions, they will continue to operate under the old consent conditions.
All consent holders will be contacted directly by the Council.
Our water supply network covers a lot of ground, so we've created maps and diagrams of each supply.
When conditions are dry and there is a risk of low river flows and/or seawater intrusion into aquifers, we consider restrictions for water use through a forum called the Dry Weather Task Force (DWTF). The task force is made up of water user representatives and council staff.
During an emergency, we may restrict or prohibit the use of water for any specified purpose, for any specified period, and for any or all users.
We let people know by public notice, Newsline, on our website, social media and other channels.
The Council may enact penalties over and above those contained in the Water Supply Bylaw conditions to enforce these restrictions.
Tasman District Council Public Water Supply Bylaw 2016 - Amended 2024 (pdf 1.8 MB)
For further information about your water management zone or rationing stages, please contact the Council Compliance Team.
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