Dry Weather Task Force

Learn more about the group that works together to manage water during dry periods.

The latest data summary relevant to the Dry Weather Task Force is available here(external link).

The Dry Weather Task Force comprises elected councillors, Council staff, members of the various water user groups in Tasman, Fish and Game Nelson Marlborough Region, Nelson City Council staff, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Rural Fire representatives.

The Dry Weather Task Force was formed many years ago to manage water during dry periods in an informed and collaborative manner. The Task Force normally meets on Tuesdays of each week where a regional water resource update, water use/compliance and forecast of both climate and water demand is discussed. Recommendations are made to the Task Force and agreed decisions are then notified via a press release.  Water permit holders who have restrictions placed on them may also be notified directly, depending on the requirements of the restrictions imposed.

The Dry Weather Task Force is made up of primarily Waimea water users due to the susceptibility of this area to water restrictions. Other user groups are involved when it is relevant.

The Convenor for the Dry Weather Task Force is the Group Manager - Environmental Assurance of Tasman District Council. Key Council staff involved with the Dry Weather Task Force are:

  • Convenor: Kim Drummond - Group Manager - Environmental Assurance, Tasman District Council
  • Water Resources: Joseph Thomas - Resource Scientist/Water, Tasman District Council
  • Water Metering: Neil Green - Compliance and Investigations Officer, Tasman District Council

Committee members

Committee Member Contact Number
Dennis Cassidy (Chair) 021 051 0623
Pierre Garguilo 021 457 990
Tristan Hoddy 021 316 337
Murray King 021 684 901
Tim King 027 244 8202
Cameron Ealam 027 316 1334
Kit Maling 027 544 0536
Robert Morrison  027 315 5812
Julian Raine 021 443 993
Clive Richards 03 544 0501
Stephen Sutton 0274 495 133

Dry Weather Task Force news releases

Any current news releases from the Dry Weather Task Force can be viewed from the link below.

Latest news from Tasman District Council

Related links

Waimea Dam flow trigger flow chart

Here is a helpful diagram which has been developed to assist people to understand the interim provisions of the Dam and Waimea Plains. 

It is a high level description only and it is important that people who are referring to the flow diagram for triggers also review their own individual Resource Consent conditions along with this documen


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