You will need to talk to a number of iwi, depending on where your proposal is.
There are a number of iwi across the region. Their areas of interest overlap and each has their own historical and cultural associations with their identified ancestral lands, water, sites, wahi tapu, and other taonga.
Since these areas - or rohe - are not mapped on the the Council's GIS, nor follow any Council administrative boundary, they are described as accurately as possible. We have also indicated where it's a good idea for you to contact the iwi in the first instance to ask them whether your proposal is located inside their rohe.
Those iwi who have completed iwi management plans have identified their area of interest in those plans.
Each iwi can only speak in respect of it's own cultural associations and significance. You cannot rely on one iwi's voice to speak for other iwi unless they have express mandate.
If your proposal is located to the west of Tākaka Hill the relevant iwi are:
Mandate for: Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama, and Te Ātiawa
Phone: : 027 316 0108
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0800 578 900
Email: [email protected]
Web portal: RMA — Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira (
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0800 NGATIKUIA (642 845)
Email: [email protected]
Also check for statutory acknowledgments, and if your proposal is below mean high water springs then see our information on coastal permits for details.
If your proposal is to the east of the Takaka Hills, and not in the Lakes and Murchison area these are the iwi to talk to:
Phone: 0800 578 900
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa contact them to confirm whether the location is in their rohe)
Web portal: RMA — Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira (
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 573 5170
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south or south east of Lake Rotoiti confirm whether the location is in their rohe)
Phone: 0800 NGATIKUIA (642 845)
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm whether the location is in their rohe)
Phone: 03 578 6180
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm whether the location is in their rohe)
Phone: 03 577 8468
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 548 1740
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0800 562 822
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm with Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Rārua whether the location is in their rohe)
For any location, always check for statutory acknowledgments, and if your proposal is below mean high water springs then see our information on coastal permits for details.
If your proposal is within the Lakes and Murchison area:
Phone: 0800 578 900
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm whether location is in their rohe)
Web portal: RMA — Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira (
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 573 5170
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south or south east of Lake Rotoiti confirm whether location is in their rohe)
Phone: 03 577 8468
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 548 1740
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0800 562 822
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm with Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Rārua whether the location is in their rohe)
Contact: Customer service
Phone: 03 366 4344
Email: [email protected] or if it's after your consent application is lodged then use [email protected]
(for locations north of Lake Rotorua confirm whether location is in their rohe)
Contact: Philippa Lynch
Phone: 021 242 2715
Email: [email protected]
(for locations north of Lake Rotorua confirm whether location is in their rohe)
Phone: 0800 NGATIKUIA (642 845)
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm whether location is in their rohe)
Phone: 03 578 6180
Email: [email protected]
(for locations south / south west of Lake Rotoroa confirm whether location is in their rohe)
For all locations, also check for statutory acknowledgments, and if your proposal is below mean high water springs then see our information on coastal permits for details.
If your proposal is located in coastal marine area, then you will need to speak to all of the Te Tau Ihu iwi.
You will need to do this too if your proposal is adjacent to the coastal marine area, or may affect it.
If your proposal requires a resource consent for occupation of the coastal marine area, you will have extra consultation you must do before we can accept your consent application - with some limited exceptions.
The exceptions apply only if your proposal involves occupation of:
You will need to seek the views of any iwi group that has applied to become a customary rights group. All of the Te Tau Ihu iwi have applied under Te Takutai Moana Act, but there are other iwi groups who have also applied.
The groups that applied to reach agreement with the Crown is on (key word search "marine coastal list")
The groups that applied to the High Court for an order of recognition are listed on (go to the High Court and then to the case management lists section).
Link to the Office for Māori Cown Relationships | Te Arawhiti website
Link to the High Court section of the Courts of New Zealand website
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