Viewing a property file

We have a file of information on almost every property in the region and you can request a digital copy.

Property owners and potential purchasers can request a digital copy of a property file through our friendly customer services team (please note fees may apply). Please email [email protected] or call 03 543-8400 to arrange this.

What's in the file?

Information on the file will include Council records that we hold at the time of the request, including:

  • Resource consent decisions
  • Building consent applications
  • Building Plans
  • Code Compliance Certificates
  • Final reports
  • Property Information Memorandum (PIMs)

If you're not sure what some of the information means, we'll be available to assist.  There is a charge for retrieving files and photocopying information. See details below on the process for making this payment. 

Please note...

  • The information contained within each property file varies and we make no guarantee the information you require will be contained on the property file. You can make a LGOIMA request for information not included on the property file.
  • The property file will NOT provide you with as much information as a Land Information Memorandum (LIM). If you are considering purchasing a property we recommend getting a LIM before finalising the purchase.

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