Code compliance certificates

A Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) verifies that the building work complies with the building consent. It is an important document, and should be retained for future reference.

A code compliance certificate (CCC) is a formal statement confirming that we are satisfied on reasonable grounds that all building work has been completed in accordance with the building consent we issued for your project. Without a CCC, you may face difficulties when trying to buy, sell or insure a property.

A Owner is required to apply for a CCC as soon as all consented building work has been completed (and preferably when all inspections have been passed).

Your application must include any outstanding documentation, for example; as-built drainage plans, pressure test certificates or electrical certificates.  

All documentation must be received before the final inspection can be booked.

How to upload documents

Prior to applying for a CCC, upload any supporting documents:

How to apply

To apply for your Code Compliance Certificate:

For consents prior to 2014, please submit a paper code compliance application (pdf 68 KB) form and provide the supporting document.

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