Urban design is the practice of arranging buildings, access and green spaces to provide areas for living, working, and playing in our towns and villages. Good urban design can apply to whole towns or neighbourhoods within towns, as well as subdivisions and buildings on individual sites.
Tasman District Council is a signatory to the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol and has prepared an Urban Design Action Plan. It is also actively planning for the growth of towns across the District.
The Council has a number of urban design objectives and policies in the Tasman Resource Management Plan and has prepared several urban design guides:
The Urban Design Action Plan is an ongoing commitment to ensure sound urban design principles are incorporated in Council capital works, urban development planning and private development projects.
Urban Design Action Plan 2008 (pdf 295 KB)
As a signatory to the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol, the Council has developed this Action Plan which focuses on:
The New Zealand Urban Design Protocol identifies seven essential design qualities that create quality urban design that the Council will be endeavouring to foster through its Urban Design Action Plan: