Mobility scooters

While you do not need a driver licence to operate a mobility scooter, there are some rules and requirements

Courtesy tips to help you;

  • You must operate your mobility scooter or power chair in a careful and considerate manner.
  • You must use the footpath when one is readily accessible and travel at a speed that does not endanger others.
  • It is illegal for you to ride, or let any person ride, in a way that may cause you or them injury.
  • Keep left, pass on the right.
  • Warn when approaching others from behind (some scooters are silent and so might not be heard by people who are hearing impaired).
  • Move off a shared path if you have stopped so others can pass.

More information

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has more information on their website. Read more here(external link) or if you have any specific questions you can email them: [email protected]