This project is the development of a new Tapawera Community Hub. It will involve the combining of activities into a new fit for purpose building.
Current status |
Planning |
Start Date |
End date |
Aiming for completed facility mid 2027 |
Access |
To be advised |
Contractors |
Not yet appointed |
Cost |
$TBC |
Contact: Email for further information, reference 1531.
This project will install two new exterior bores and construct a replacement Water Treatment Plant building to improve the treatment process for water in Tapawera by upgrading systems that work to treat water using UV, chlorine, and filtration.
Current status | In design and enabling works |
Start Date | Drilling starts December 2024. Main construction start mid 2025 |
End date | Construction late 2026 |
Access | We’ll need some temporary traffic management on Tadmor Valley Road when we reach the construction stages but that should also be minimal. |
Contractors | Not yet appointed |
Cost | $TBC |
The bores will be drilled and developed, then pump tested and sampled over the next five months. Other work will then follow in mid-2025 to install the underground power supply components, before the building and internals are constructed in 2026.
The plant will be commissioned and online by Christmas 2026, then we can decommission the existing plant and bores on the other side of the road.
Having a resilient water supply that continues to meet national drinking water standards is the big driver of the initiative. The new plant will treat the water to a higher standard and be more reliable, but flow and pressure won’t change.
There should be little effect on the water supply during the life of the project, other than some short shutdowns when connecting the plant to the existing network and commissioning.
Contact: Email for further information, reference 1494.