Catchment Context, Maps and Data

All the information you'll need from Council to complete your Freshwater Farm Plan when the time comes.

Note: This page is under construction. 

The Catchment Advisors are presently busy beavering away collecting, collating, and building all the information layers you will need to complete your Freshwater Farm Plan (FWFP). Once complete, we will provide relevant information here.

Over the coming months, we will use this space to provide clarity and understanding of what is involved and an explanation of some of the terms and phrases that are floating about.  

First, we will tackle some common questions we are receiving from you all about CCCV and FMUs. We will discuss these two terms, what they stand for, and how they relate to your Freshwater Farm Plan. 

What is CCCV?  

Each Freshwater Farm Plan will look different, as on-farm actions will be tailored to consider each farm’s unique landscape, activities, and local catchment. This is where Catchment Context, Challenges, and Values (CCCVs) come in. The CCCV is a collection of material about the catchment where you farm.  It will present your catchment’s unique physical features, such as soils, climate, and water quality. It will identify areas of cultural significance and sites and species that are significant to tangata whenua along with what the local community (including you as a farmer) value and their visions for a particular catchment.   This information will help you to understand the environmental features, current environmental health status, cultural values, and priorities in relation to freshwater, and recreational sites that are special in your catchment.   

How will I know what my CCCV is, and where do I find this information?  

Right now, you do not need to take any action. It is the council's role to provide the CCCV for each FMU (read more on the right). Your Catchment Advisors are presently beavering away collecting and collating all relevant information relating to Catchment Context and Challenges.  The Policy team also have their heads down busy consulting with your respective industry groups, and our communities to develop the new Regional Freshwater Plan.   This plan will provide the Visions and Values as well as objectives, policies, and rules (the means for enacting the Visions and Values) for each FMU. 

In time we will present this information right here on this page in a usable form so you can simply select what you need, apply this knowledge to identify how best to manage or reduce farming impacts on freshwater, and include it in your FWFP. 




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FMU? What’s that? 

A Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) is simply the wider catchment in which you farm. Tasman has seven FMUs, shown on the map below.  Take a moment to see where your farm is and which FMU you belong to. Each FMU will have its own unique CCCV as every FMU/Catchment has its own challenges and community values. Visit this page if you would like to dive in a bit deeper and learn more about Tasman’s FMUs.

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