Independent Review of WCO Monitoring

The independent review of monitoring began in mid July 2024.

The first independent review since Te Waikoropupū Springs Water Conservation Order came into force began with a visit in mid- July 2024 to the catchment and key monitoring sites.

Murray Close (pictured), a Senior Science Leader at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), has been engaged to conduct the review.

Mr Close, a pioneer of research into groundwater contamination over the last 44 years, has led multi-agency, multi-disciplinary research teams. His research focused on the transport and fate of contaminants in NZ groundwater systems and supported the development of new investigatory methods for the area above the water table referred as the vadose zone.

“My purpose is to carry out an independent review of the monitoring associated with Te Waikoropupū Springs,” said Mr Close.

“This first week into the review was structured so that I would get a good understanding of the catchment, knowledge of the key monitoring sites, and to meet with the key groups and people involved with the Water Conservation Order (WCO) for the Te Waikoropupū Springs (TWS).

“A focus of my work is the Court’s request for an early warning system to detect changes in the Springs water quality. This would mean monitoring up-gradient water that is moving into the springs and could give us timely warning of changes in quality to accommodate early warning of any water quality changes up-gradient so to allow for effective remedial action.

“This first week of the review process has proved invaluable. I travelled around the catchment and now have increased understanding of the complexity of the Spring’s different hydrogeological elements such as the limestone, mudstone, marble, and gravels through which the water from various parts of the catchment can flow.

“Meeting residents, a lot of whom have been either living in the catchment area for a long time or have been involved with the catchment and in the process of the water conservation order, was a great opportunity to hear firsthand their views.

“Next steps include a review of relevant evidence and reports presented at the hearings. I will be wanting to talk with more people associated with the catchment to progress my review of the present monitoring and recommendations for the future.

“Early October I plan to have a draft of the review for feedback with the final report and recommendations published in December.”

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