Deep Moutere Groundwater FMU

Focused solely on groundwater from the Deep Moutere Aquifer and the Waimea Deep Moutere Aquifer.

The Deep Moutere Aquifer FMU includes groundwater in the Deep Moutere Aquifer and the Waimea Deep Moutere Aquifer. These aquifers are not connected to overlying land use or rivers. They underly the Moutere valley and hill country and the Waimea Plains, extend up towards Nelson Lakes National Park past Upper Motueka, and extend out under the coastline.

The aquifers are up to 1000 metres deep and reside in layers within the Moutere gravel which overlies the Moutere Depression. Because they are largely confined, groundwater quality is good.

The deeper water in these aquifers is very old – 400 - 20,000 years. Although there is some rainfall recharge, this can be very slow in most areas, meaning water bearing capacity is low. Some areas of the aquifer are nearly fully allocated, with minimal additional capacity.

Draft map of the FMU

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