Nelson at Princes Drive

Temperature for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)

Temperature for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)
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Wind Speed for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)

Wind Speed for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)
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Wind Direction for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)

Wind Direction for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)
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Relative Humidity for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)

Relative Humidity for last 7 days at Princes Dr (NCC)
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Tasman District Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in collecting and displaying this information. However, the data is provisional, and may be incorrect until checked by staff. Data should be used with caution where there are safety, monetary, or operational consequences if the data is incorrect. Note also, the data may be changed at a later time.