Te Waikoropupū at Springs River

Springs River flows from Te Waikoropupu Springs.

Flow for last 7 days at Waikoropupu at Springs River

Flow for last 7 days at Waikoropupu at Springs River
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All times are in NZ Standard Time, during Daylight Saving add one hour.

Flow for last 30 days at Waikoropupu at Springs River

Flow for last 30 days at Waikoropupu at Springs River

River flow history

Catchment size: N/A

Period of analysis: 01 January 1985 to 31 December 2020.

Comment:  Springs river flows from Te Waikoropupū Springs which rises from the Arthur Marble Aquifer. Due to the spring fed nature of the river normal statistics do not apply, so only the mean and extremes are appropriate. This site operates below the nearby fish farm water intake.

  Flood Flows Drought Flow
Return Period  (m3/s)  1 day average 7 day average
 Annual  30.5 5.700 5.970
 5 Year      
 10 Year      
 20 Year      
 50 Year      
 100 Year      
 Extreme Recorded 57.9 16/06/2013 3.606 06/05/1992 3.692 04/05/1992
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Tasman District Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in collecting and displaying this information. However, the data is provisional, and may be incorrect until checked by staff. Data should be used with caution where there are safety, monetary, or operational consequences if the data is incorrect. Note also, the data may be changed at a later time.