Wakapuaka at Fire Station

Hourly Rainfall for Wakapuaka at Fire Station (NCC)

Hourly Rainfall for Wakapuaka at Fire Station (NCC)
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Daily Rainfall for Wakapuaka at Fire Station (NCC)

Daily Rainfall for Wakapuaka at Fire Station (NCC)
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Site information

Catchment: Wakapuaka

Annual Average Rainfall: 1426mm

Altitude: 40m

Period of analysis: 10 August 2001 to 31 December 2022.

Exposure: Located in a open valley at the base of the Whangamoa range.

Wakapuaka at Hira Rainfall Statistics
Return Storm Total (mm) Drought Total
(mm) **
Period  1 hr 6 hr 24 hr 28 day 
2 year 26.5   66.5 112.0 5.0
5 year 34.5   86.5 146.0 1.1
10 year 40.5 101.0 171.0 0.1
20 year 47.0 117.0 198.0 0.0
50 year 56.0 139.0 234.0 0.0
100 year 63.0 156.0 263.0 0.0


Recorded **









Storm totals are from HIRDS analysis based on site location.

** Drought totals and extremes are from analysis based on data collected on site.


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Tasman District Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in collecting and displaying this information. However, the data is provisional, and may be incorrect until checked by staff. Data should be used with caution where there are safety, monetary, or operational consequences if the data is incorrect. Note also, the data may be changed at a later time.