Form for submission on resource consent application.pdf (pdf 175 KB)
Any person can submit on a publicly notified consent application. An application is publicly notified when the Council has advertised the application on its website and in the public notices section of the newspaper.
For any limited notified application only those specific people served notice by the Council can make a submission. The Council decides who these people are, assessed against legal tests under the Resource Management Act 1991.
No-one can make a submission if the Council's decision was to process the application as non-notified. Most resource consent applications proceed this way. Many applicants change their proposals to reduce adverse effects and to get written approvals, or even withdraw their applications.
If others feel the same way as you about the application, you should consider making a joint submission - that is by forming a community group and appointing a spokesperson.
One joint submission has the same weight as if all the individuals made their own submissions. Make sure you clearly identify the contact person for the submission.
If you are a trade competitor, your right to make a submission may be limited by the trade competition provisions in Part 11A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
You have 20 working days after the application is notified to make your submission.
We always include the closing date for submissions in the website or newspaper notice, sign or letter from the Council.
Make sure you get your submission to the Council in time, as submissions may not be accepted after the closing date.
You must also send a copy to the applicant as soon as you reasonably can after you've sent it to the Council.
The submission form leads you through all the information you need to include.
You can either use the Tasman District Council submission form or write your own submission
Form for submission on resource consent application.pdf (pdf 175 KB)
Your submission must be in writing and clearly state:
You can get more information about making a submission from the Ministry for the Environment.
You can lodge your submission with Tasman District Council (Resource Consents Administration Officer) in any of the following ways:
You must also send a copy of your submission to the applicant.
As soon as the submission period closes, we will write or email you to confirm that we've received your submission.
We don't send you copies of the other submissions received. If the application was publicly notified you can find them on our website.
If the applciation was limited notified, contact us with an email and we will make them available to you electonically.
Our consent planners consider your submission when they make their recommendation.
The issues raised in submissions are always discussed in the Council consent planner's report presented to the decision maker. If it's going to a hearing this is the section 42A report done by the Council staff for the Hearing Committee or Comissioner.
If you asked to speak at the Hearing we will always send you a link to that report so you can see the recommendation.
You have the right to speak to the decision-maker. If you choose this, the decision making process involves having a hearing.
A submitter can also ask that the decsion maker is an independent commissioner (rather than local councillors).
Any request for the application to be heard by a commissioner must be made no later than 5 working days after the closing date for submissions. However, if his right is exercised and it increases the cost, then the submitter may be asked to contribute a portion to the increased costs (depending on how much and whether a commissioner would have been used anyway).
A submitter may also have appeal rights to the Environment Court on any decsion made by the Council.
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