Request duty planner advice or for more complex proposals request pre-application advice
Our duty planner is here to help, or you can ask for a pre-application meeting. Complete all fields as best you can, and attach any supporting documents to help us understand.
If you have planning questions, our duty planners are here to help. Call 03 543 8400 to book an appointment to meet with a duty planner or to arrange a phone call with them.
To ask a duty planner a simple question you can complete the Ask a Question form here. You only need to complete the form below for more complex projects.
Pre-application advice - complex projects
For more complex proposals you can ask for pre-application advice – this requires a concept plan.
Complete all fields as best you can, and attach a plan and any supporting documents to help us understand. We will contact you to confirm we have it and - if needed - sort a meeting.
Minimum information required for us to accept a pre-application
In order for us to understand the pre-application please provide the following minimum information:
A draft site plan showing the boundaries of the site, north point, all existing and proposed buildings labelled, the access crossing, and any existing and proposed landscaping.
Any other plans (elevations, floor plans).
A draft servicing plan.
These plans can be hand drawn and it is acknowledged that they are preliminary only and subject to change.
If the proposal is for a commercial, industrial, community or similar activity please include:
the potential hours of operation, anticipated maximum staff numbers at any one time, anticipated maximum customer numbers per week, anticipated maximum vehicle movements per week.