Request duty planner advice or for more complex proposals request pre-application advice

Our duty planner is here to help, or you can ask for a pre-application meeting. Complete all fields as best you can, and attach any supporting documents to help us understand.

Duty planner advice - simple projects

If you have planning questions, our duty planners are here to help.  Call 03 543 8400 to book an appointment to meet with a duty planner or to arrange a phone call with them.

To ask a duty planner a simple question you can complete the Ask a Question form here. You only need to complete the form below for more complex projects. 

Pre-application advice - complex projects

For more complex proposals you can ask for pre-application advice – this requires a concept plan.

Complete all fields as best you can, and attach  a plan and any supporting documents to help us understand. We will contact you to confirm we have it and - if needed - sort a meeting.

Minimum information required for us to accept a pre-application

In order for us to understand the pre-application please provide the following minimum information:

  • A draft site plan showing the boundaries of the site, north point, all existing and proposed buildings labelled, the access crossing, and any existing and proposed landscaping.
  • Any other plans (elevations, floor plans).
  • A draft servicing plan.

These plans can be hand drawn and it is acknowledged that they are preliminary only and subject to change.

If the proposal is for a commercial, industrial, community or similar activity please include:

  • the potential hours of operation, anticipated maximum staff numbers at any one time, anticipated maximum customer numbers per week, anticipated maximum vehicle movements per week.

Applicant details

Meeting attendees

Site details

For some queries, it may be difficult to specify an address. Please do the best you can - this information will help us to produce more accurate reports and planning resources for you. If it's not possible to provide an address, you can give map grid references instead. Please ensure they are in the NZTM coordinate system.


Please provide a brief outline of your proposal, also noticing any specific matters you would like considered. For example, you might want to discuss resource consent requirements; traffic, heritage, urban design, ecological, tree, archaeological, storm water, or roading issues; discharge rules; or licensing requirements. This information will help us determine which council staff should be involved.

Supporting information

Please attach all available supporting information. This may include conceptual plans, drawings, photos, or draft assessments of environmental effects. The more information you can provide, the more accurate our advice can be.

  • File size must be 5 MB or less. Larger files can be emailed directly to [email protected], noting that they relate to this request
  • File names must be short, with no special characters
  • Files can be .docx, .xlsx, .jpg, or .pdf.

Terms, conditions and fees

The information and advice provided by the duty planner or via pre-application is provided in good faith, without prejudice and is based on the specific details provided to the planner by correspondence or in person.

The first half hour of planning advice is free. After that time is charged for pre-application advice in accordance with Council’s fees & charges schedule.

Planning advice is not a substitute for a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) and should not be relied upon in making property purchase decisions. A LIM should be obtained in order for you to access all relevant information the Council knows about a property.

Pre-application advice cannot confirm whether your resource consent:

  • Will be approved,
  • Needs to be notified, or
  • Has any affected parties.

These decisions cannot be made until a complete application has been received and assessed.

Please note: Any information supplied to Council for assessment and subsequent planning advice is subject to release if requested under the Local Government Official Information & Meetings Act. If there is any reason why you would not want this information released (such as it being commercially sensitive) please let us know, so we can take it into consideration when determining what information can be released.


Address for correspondence (excluding invoices)

Address for invoices

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