The Ministry for the Environment gives these guidelines for gathering all the information you'll need.
Get the resource consent application forms from the Council’s website.
Link to our resource consent application forms
Additional information
You will find a comprehensive list of the information that you must provide with your application in Schedule 4 of the RMA.
- The amount of information you must provide is 'horses for courses' - that is sufficient detail to meet the reason the information is needed.
- You must also complete assessment of environmental effects (AEE).
- The level of detail you must provide is relative to the scale and significance of the effects from your proposal.
- For particular types of consents see the information requirements under the TRMP.
TRMP - Chapter 19 - Information required with land use or subdivision consent applications (pdf 232 KB)
TRMP - Chapter 26 - Information required with coastal permit applications (pdf 97 KB)
TRMP - Chapter 29 - information required with consent applications in, on or over the bed or the surface of a stream, river, or lake (pdf 107 KB)
TRMP - Chapter 32 - information required with a water permit application to dam, divert or use water (pdf 110 KB)
TRMP - Chapter 37 - information required with a discharge permit application (pdf 114 KB)
The Ministry for the Environment has guidance on the information requirements under section 88 and Schedule 4 of the RMA.
Download the Ministry for the Environment guide on information required for resource consent applications.
Affected people
Identify who might be interested in or affected by the activity and how they might be affected
Talk to these 'affected persons'. Ask them to give you their written approval if you don’t want your application to be notified. Alternatively, you can tell the Council why you don’t think they’re affected or why you can’t get their approval.
If this is a coastal permit application involving occupation, usually you must also notify and seek views from any group that has applied for recognition of customary marine title in the area. The only times you don't need to, is if the coastal marine area is owned (freehold, and shown by a Record of Title), or the area is a reserve, conservation area, or national park.
You can find the list of applicants on the Te Arawhiti website.
Provide an assessment of what you want to do against the matters set out in part 2 of the RMA and any relevant provisions of the documents referred to in section 104(1)(b) of the RMA.
The documents referred to in section 104(1)(b) include district or regional plan, a national environmental standard, a national policy statement and a regional policy statement.
Other information and assistance
Get any other information the Council has asked for. This is often identified in the Council’s plan or on the application forms.
You may need to show how any other aspects of your proposal are permitted, and also identify if you need any permissions under any other public laws.
Consider if you need to employ an expert (resource management professional) to help you prepare the information.