Certificates of acceptance

If building work had been done without a building consent, or if we can't issue a Code Compliance Certificate, a Certificate of Acceptance may be a solution.

A Certificate of Acceptance provides some verification for a building owner/future building owner that part or all of certain work carried out complies with the Building Code. It's based on the Building Code at the time application is made, rather than what was in place at the time the work was actually carried out. You can get more information from Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

Please note: Certificate of Acceptance applications will undergo a planning check. If the work is found to breach a Tasman Resource Management Plan rule resource consent may be required and will incur additional cost.

You might apply for a certificate of acceptance if:

  • You don't have a Code Compliance Certificate
  • The work was completed after 1 July 1992. Work completed before that date is not eligible for a Certificate of Acceptance.
  • If you wish to update your property file for works done before this date without a permit, please contact us.
  • You should always apply for a Certificate of Acceptance for emergency building work that's been carried out for health and safety reasons, without a building consent. Please contact us regarding emergency works.

How to apply

  1. Get a copy of the Record of Title, plans and specifications for the building project
  2. Get a report from a suitably qualified, registered and experienced building surveyor to verify the standard of construction
  3. Go to Objective Build(external link) and register, verify your account.
  4. Log in and submit your application and supporting documents.

If you have any questions, please phone us on 03 543 8400 to make an appointment with a Duty Building Consent Officer.

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