Gather your information

You'll need several documents before you can submit your application.

You (or your architect or builder) will need to prepare several documents before you can submit your application. You'll need:

  • A Record of Title (less than 3 months old) including any Consent Notices
  • Plans
  • Specifications
  • Professional opinions or producer statements
  • Supporting documents - design and/or engineering reports

We recommend online applications, so these should be prepared as PDF files. We can accept paper applications if necessary, but this will incur additional fees.


Your drawings should include the level of detail seen in the guide. Read more here on their website(external link).

Drawing conventions should generally conform to AS/NZS 1100.

Collating your documents

Please follow these conventions when you collate your documents. If your documents aren't in this format, we reserve the right to return them to you, as it affects our ability to process your application in time. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Category Documents
Proof of Ownership

Record of Title

And if applicable:

  • Consent notices
  • Parent Record of Title
  • Sales and Purchase Agreement
  • Draft LT Plan and S224 certificates
  • Indemnity form

(For wood-burner only applications we will accept a rates document as proof of ownership)

Architectural Plans

A copy of your plans or drawings; these plans or drawings should demonstrate how you propose to construct, alter, demolish your building/s

Architectural Specifications

Specifications, such as architectural/design specification, truss supplier information, manufacturers' specifications, H1 calculations and bracing schedules

Structural Plans

Detailed structural plans or drawings prepared by a structural engineer

Structural Specifications

Structural specifications, such as structural engineer producer statements (PS1/PS2), LBP memorandum (engineer), design features reports, structural calculations, initial and detailed seismic assessment and Geotech reports

Manufacturers Certificates

Certificates for modular components issued by a manufacturer certified and registered under the BuiltReady scheme

Products Systems and Construction Method Certificates

Certificates for products, systems and construction methods certified under section 269 of the Building Act

MEP Plans and Specifications

Mechanical, Engineering and Plumbing plans and specifications

Fire Report

Fire report or statement

Accessibility Report

Accessibility report or statement

Supporting Documents

You will need to provide a contents page with your supporting document

  • On-site wastewater disposal system
  • Specified system forms and current compliance schedule (if applicable)
  • BRANZ Appraisals
  • Project Information Memorandum (PIM) if one was previously obtained
  • Building Conditions Report

Please don't...

  • Upload any file format other than PDF
  • Lock or password-protect the PDF files.

Please do...

  • Create one PDF for each category
  • Follow the naming conventions
  • Bookmark and label each page in the Plans PDF
  • Bookmark and label each section in the Specifications PDF
  • Bookmark and label each report in the Supporting docs PDF.

Ready to apply?

Once you have all your documents ready, you can submit your application.

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