Nelson Tasman Regional Land Transport Plan

Proposed transport activities for the region, developed in partnership Nelson City Council and Marlborough District Council.

This plan was reviewed and adopted in July 2024. It sets priorities for state highway, Department of Conservation and Council transportation initiatives.

It also forms the basis for the NZTA Waka Kotahi to decide which proposals will be included in the National Land Transport Programme.

The Regional Public Transport Plan is a separate document and you can read about it here.

Regional issues

Regional issues and priorities include:

  • vehicle usage growth and its effects on access
  • safety on our roads
  • our communities are susceptible to losing access in more frequent weather events
  • maintenance has been underfunded in the past and road condition is getting worse
  • vehicle usage is affecting our natural environment.


Nelson Tasman Regional Land Transport Plan 2024 (pdf 3.9 MB)

Further Information

If you would like further information, please contact us.

Note that this programme replaces the Regional Land Transport Strategy.

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