Notice issued 26 February 2025 - Marine farm hazards

Reminder 12 March - notice remains in place

Unmarked floating ropes have recently been discovered within the Tasman Bay Marine Farms off Motueka River. The hazards have been identified and mitigated.

This is a working Marine Farm Area and everyone needs to ensure they are following the correct regulations to maintain their safety around Marine Farms.

Please be advised:

  • Maritime Rules prevent vessels from exceeding 5knots within 200m of a marine farm.
  • Boaties are discouraged from navigating through these farmed areas, as hazards include floating, sub-surface, and sunken lines and structures.
  • It is recommended that you plot a course around the outside of the marked area, particularly if it is dark or there is poor visibility or rough weather.
    Anchoring is not advised due to multiple hazards on the sea floor which are unmarked.

Issued: 26th February 2025 until further notice. Read the full notice here (pdf 185 KB).

Notice - Motueka Buoys

The channel marker buoys placed in the Motueka approaches, are prone to shifting or being displaced by tide and weather events.

All navigation in and out of Motueka is the responsibily of the master or person in charge of the vessel. Navigation in and out of Motueka harbour is undertaken strictly at own risk and neither the Council nor the Harbourmaster shall be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature, that may arise should vessels come to harm as a consequence of the movement of channel marker buoys.

Navigation Safety Notice - Motueka channel markers 2024.pdf (pdf 479 KB)

Navigation Safety Notice - Māpua channel markers 2024.pdf (pdf 570 KB)

Ongoing updates

Fortnightly Notices to Mariners are issued by LINZ. We recommend mariners subscribe to the free email updates Click this link to do so(external link).

Maritine New Zealand is also a great place to keep up to date with information - check out their website.(external link)