We have waste minimisation grants available to support innovative projects that aim to reduce waste in Tasman.
As well as reducing waste, these grants are intended to support community engagement and education about one or more of the following methods for waste management and minimisation:
- Rethink how we use and value our resources to avoid the creation of waste;
- Reduce the amount of waste we create;
- Reuse resources;
- Recycle or recover materials.
The grants are also intended to support our Tasman communities to show kaitiakitanga of our natural resources.
Priority will be given to applications which include one or more of the following:
- Avoid or reduce the creation of waste in the Tasman region;
- Close the loop on resources that would otherwise be wasted (circular economy);
- Outline how Te Ao Māori values are incorporated (for example, kaitiakitanga);
- Provide long-term benefits to Tasman residents;
- Enable new activities, rather than supporting existing activities;
- Provide data and information to enable further waste minimisation by the community.
Grant amounts
This grant is intended to support larger scale projects, with typical funding of $5000 or greater per application. For smaller scale community projects or events, please see our other waste minimisation grants.
Funding will generally be allocated as one-off grants to assist a group/organisation to create an enduring and self-sustaining waste minimisation initiative. However, where a longer-term strategic outcome has been identified, multi-year funding may be considered.
Applications must be for a specific waste minimisation project or initiative that will:
- Take place within the Tasman District, and/or demonstrate benefit to Tasman residents;
- Align with the Nelson Tasman Waste Management and Minimisation Plan;
- Demonstrate how waste will be avoided or diverted from landfill; and
- Identify the benefit to the community that will result from funding support.
In addition, applications must:
- Be submitted on the official application form at the bottom of this page;
- Be accompanied by an outline of how the funds will be spent and, if applicable, outline how the project plans to become financially self-sustaining;
- Demonstrate that the applicants have the necessary skills and capacity to effectively deliver the project; and
- Come under the umbrella of a recognised entity with legal status – for example a school, Iwi, charitable organisation, business or social enterprise. Where this is not possible (for example applications from recognised iwi groups without formal legal status) applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The grant CAN be used for
- Project set-up and/or running costs;
- Capital costs (e.g. purchase of tools/equipment);
- Operating costs (including wages);
- Monitoring and evaluation of volume of waste diverted from landfill.
The grant CANNOT be used for
- Previous successful grant applicants who have failed to provide adequate accountability information for previous funding applications;
- Activities already completed;
- Projects outside of the Tasman district that do not have a clear benefit to Tasman residents;
- Debt servicing or repayment;
- Legal expenses.
Application dates
The next funding round closes on 31 March 2025.
Successful applicants will be required to complete an Accountability Form within 12 months of receiving the funds and any unspent funds will need to be returned, unless otherwise agreed. You can complete the Accountability Form here(external link). Projects must begin within six months of receiving funds.
Apply now
To apply, please complete the form below. If you are unable to complete the web form below, please contact [email protected] for an alternative format.