Application for rate remissions should be made to Council prior to the start of each rating year on 1 July. Rates staff can provide further details regarding each remission type.
Rating units owned or occupied by a non-profit organisation and used exclusively or principally for sporting, recreation or community purposes may qualify for the remission of certain rates upon the receipt of a written application made on the prescribed form.
Remission of specified targeted rates may be provided, upon receipt of a written application, where multiple rating units are owned by the same ratepayer and used jointly as a single farming property but are not contiguous.
Assistance for District Museums is allocated as part of the the Annual Plan process. District Museums should contact the Community Partnerships Co-ordinator for funding policy and procedures.
Some assistance for public swimming pool operation is allocated as part of our annual planning. Schools and swimming clubs should contact the Community Partnerships team for funding details.
Some projects involving Council land may be eligible for funding assistance. For current policy please contact us for more information.
We have joined forces with New Zealand and Australia’s most powerful grant search engine, GrantGuru, to deliver a free one-stop-shop grants portal.
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