As part of promoting positive ageing, we host regular networking and information sessions for older people in Richmond and Motueka called Positive Ageing Forums. The meetings are open for agencies and individuals and cover various topics such as wellbeing, housing, digital literacy and others.
Meetings are held in both Richmond and Motueka.
Meeting dates for 2025 are as follows:
Meetings are held in the Wangapeka Room (due to the Richmond Library undergoing building works in 2025) at Tasman District Council in Richmond from 1 - 3 pm as follows:
5 May, 14 July, 8 September and 3 November
Meetings are held on Wednesdays in the Motueka Library Community Meeting Room, Motueka Library from 10 - 12 pm on the following dates:
5 March, 21 May, 30 July, 17 September and 26 November
Available minutes are listed below.