The Council may approve the temporary closure of roads for events, maintenance, construction and during unforeseen events. You must apply 60 days before a road closure is needed for non-urgent work.
If you are planning an event which requires all or part of a road to be closed, you'll need to follow a formal application process.
Council staff do not have legal authority to approve road closures for public events.
Under the Local Governemnt Act 1974 only the Council or a council committee can approve the closure. It is not possible to 'fast track' a late or urgent application.
To apply for a temporary road closure please complete the application form and submit to the Council at least 60 days before the event.
This timeframe allows for the proposed closure to be advertised at least 42 days before the event, for objections to close at least 28 days before the event and the proposed closure to go to a Tasman District Council meeting for decision.
By the time objections close the Council will require all supporting information to be submitted such as temporary management plans, diagrams, plans, proof of consultation with affected parties/residents and any other supporting information.
Please note that these are minimum timeframes, which may mean that the Council decision to approve or decline the event could be made close to the proposed date.
You are encouraged to submit your application as early as possible.
Please be sure to read and take note of all the conditions on the application form.
If you wish to discuss your proposal before submitting please contact the Road Network Co-ordinator.
Complete the application form for temporary road closures. Submit this to the Council at least 60 days prior to the event date. Please note that this is the minimum timeframe and may mean that the Council decision to approve or decline will be made close to the proposed event date. You are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
Provide the Council with a covering letter from its insurer or a copy of its current liability insurance certificate. This insurance must be for a minimum of $2,000,000. This must be included with the application form.
Provide the Council with a Temporary Traffic Management Plan. This must be submitted online via Submitica.
The applicant must ensure the Traffic Management Plan is in place and implemented on the day.
Pay inspection fees on receipt of an invoice from the Council. Each road inspection will vary in cost depending on the event location. A pre and post inspection will be carried out by the Council, consultant or contractor (see our Community Infrastructure fees and charges).
Pay a deposit of $2200 incl. GST on receipt of an invoice from the Council. This will be held to cover costs to any damage to the road as a result of the event. This includes damage to bridges, any road furniture, infrastructure or utilities forming part of the road. This must be paid before the event date.
If the cost to repair any road, bridge, road furniture or utilities as a result of the event is more than the $2,200 deposit then the applicant must be prepared to pay this on receipt of invoice from the Council.
Prior to the event date carry out a letter box drop to affected residents in regard to the proposed closure. This must be completed 48 days prior to the date of the event. The applicant must email the Council to confirm when this has been completed.
Provide litter bins where appropriate, and leave the site in a clean and tidy condition.
Ensure that at all times any noise emissions associated with the event are at a level acceptable to the Council.
Ensure that each end of the road closure and any driveways or access ways within the road closure are supervised at all times throughout the duration of the event.
The applicant must also make full provision for public safety throughout the event.
The Council will invoice the applicant for the cost to cover administration and public notifications (see our Community Infrastructure fees and charges). The Council will invoice the applicant for a deposit of $2,200 incl. GST.
The Council will invoice the applicant the cost of the pre and post inspections. Each road inspection will vary in cost depending on the event location. Inspections will be carried out before and after the event and will be carried out by the Council, consultant or contractor (see our Community Infrastructure fees and charges).
The Council reserves the right to make good any damage caused to the Council’s assets caused by staging of the event. This will be at the applicants cost.
The Council will ensure that the Nelson Police and emergency services are informed of the road closure before the event date.
The Council will advertise the road closure at least 42 days prior to the event. It will receive any objections on the proposed closure, assess these and decide whether the closure is approved. If approved, the Council will readvertise the closure seven days proper to the event.
The Council does not accept responsibility for any damage from or associated with the road closure. The applicant is required to take out adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover this eventuality.
The Council reserves the right at any time to amend the conditions, withdraw permission for the road closure to proceed, or close down any activity where it becomes apparent that there is, or could be, a threat to public safety or property, or where the Council’s property may be damaged.
The Council will email the applicant once the proposed road closure has been approved.
The above are the normal conditions. The Council reserves the right to set special conditions as and when required.