When to apply for a road closure

The Council may approve the temporary closure of roads for events, maintenance, construction and during unforeseen events. You must apply 60 days before a road closure is needed for non-urgent work.

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If you are planning an event which requires all or part of a road to be closed, you'll need to follow a formal application process. 

Council staff do not have legal authority to approve road closures for public events.

Under the Local Governemnt Act 1974 only the Council or a council committee can approve the closure. It is not possible to 'fast track' a late or urgent application. 

To apply for a temporary road closure please complete the application form and submit to the Council at least 60 days before the event.

This timeframe allows for the proposed closure to be advertised at least 42 days before the event, for objections to close at least 28 days before the event and the proposed closure to go to a Tasman District Council meeting for decision.

By the time objections close the Council will require all supporting information to be submitted such as temporary management plans, diagrams, plans, proof of consultation with affected parties/residents and any other supporting information. 

Please note that these are minimum timeframes, which may mean that the Council decision to approve or decline the event could be made close to the proposed date.

You are encouraged to submit your application as early as possible. 

Please be sure to read and take note of all the conditions on the application form.

If you wish to discuss your proposal  before submitting please contact the Road Network Co-ordinator.