Public places bylaw

Council controls certain activities that may take place in a public place.

Council adopted the Public Places Bylaw at its meeting on 28 November 2024. The Bylaw came into effect on 1 February 2025.

This is a new Bylaw, which replaces the previous Trading in Public Places Bylaw. This bylaw aims to streamline processes, protect public health & safety, prevent nuisances, and regulate trading to ensure an orderly, enjoyable environment for all.

Download a copy of the public places bylaw. (pdf 377 KB)

These points summarise the provisions of the Bylaw:

  • Trading in Parks and Reserves is generally prohibited, with written exemptions possible to enable special events;
  • Mobile Trading is a permitted activity, provided certain requirements are met. There is no longer a need for a licence or permit;
  • Commercial Services occupying public space on a permanent or semi-permanent basis are required to enter a formal agreement with the Council, with appropriate charges for use of the land;
  • Street Fundraising is a permitted activity, provided certain requirements are met. Prior written permission from Council is no longer required;
  • Busking is a permitted activity, provided certain requirements are met. A busking permit is no longer required;
  • Businesses may only have one sandwich board per business, located immediately outside the business. The sandwich board must be placed on the roadside edge of the footpath, ensuring a minimum of 1.8 metres of clear footpath width;
  • Maximum dimensions for sandwich boards are 600mm wide and deep, 900mm high. Larger signs or flags on public land are not permitted.
  • Businesses that occupy public space for outdoor dining must obtain a licence to occupy the space from Council;
  • Council may offer a 20% discount on the licence to occupy if the business chooses to maintain the space as smoke and vape free;
  • Outdoor furniture must not create a hazard for pedestrians and, in general, must allow a 1.8 metre wide clear pathway for foot traffic.