Object to an alcohol licence application

Use this form to object to an alcohol licensing application.

This form is for objecting to an application for a new alcohol licence, or the renewal of an existing alcohol licence, or the variation of the conditions of an existing licence. This covers on-licences, off-licences, Club licences and in some circumstances Special licences.

This information pack (pdf 912 KB) explains more about the Hearings process. 

These documents also provide more information:


You may find it useful to read through the common questions before you fill out the form but if you have any further questions, please contact us on 03 5438400.

This guide may also help Object to an alcohol licence

Your contact details

You will be emailed a copy of the completed form.

If you are submitting on behalf of an organisation, please indicate your the organisation and your position.

Your objection

Which alcohol licence application you are objecting to?

What are your grounds for objecting? You may select more than one option.

Enter yourcomments in the box below. You can also attach a file (such as a Word document, or a PDF) that details your objection.

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