The Dog Control Policy and Bylaw was adopted in December 2024 and takes effect from 31 March 2025. The map below will be updated to reflect the changes included in the new policy and bylaw. For now you can view a summary of the changes by area using the links below.
This map shows you:
This brochure also tells you more about the rules.
Dog faeces must be removed immediately and hygienically disposed of. Doggie Doo bags are available free of charge from all Council offices and in dispensers around the district.
Your dog must respond to voice commands, hand signals or other effective means of control when off the leash.
Under our dog bylaw, there are certain places and times when dogs are not permitted during the summer months, 1 December to 1 March. They are:
Dogs are prohibited on all Council sports fields and complexes, and within 10 metres of playground equipment and picnic tables. Dogs are also prohibited in the specific areas indicated on the Dog Exercise Areas map.
Please note that a separate bylaw governs the Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve, and dogs are prohibited - with a very few exceptions.
Dog access exemptions brochure (pdf 13 MB)
For the areas that are prohibited "in Summer", we mean from 1 December to 1 March.
This prohibition of dogs from specified areas does not apply to game hunting dogs engaged in legitimate hunting activities during the recognised hunting season.