Throwing a bit of rubbish out the car window while driving in one of our rural areas may seem harmless to some people, but the cost of roadside clean-ups is mounting and it’s a cost to all ratepayers.

We must employ contractors to collect rubbish from roadsides and public areas, and this is a growing expense.

In the past 12 months, we’ve spent close to $45,000 on collecting litter from roadsides, reserves and beaches, and more than $100,000 cleaning up material dumped on our riversides.

There are even those who feel they can dump larger quantities of rubbish anywhere, even on other people’s properties.

While we can’t get rid of rubbish from private land, we do offer free litter disposal for community clean up events at our Resource Recovery Centres. You can find out more about this here.(external link)

But everyone can help to beat the illegal dumpers. If you see rubbish being dumped somewhere it shouldn’t be, get the registration number of the vehicles involved and call us on
03 543 8400 as soon as you can.