Tasman District Council has recently confirmed the purchase of property at Paton Road, Hope – which has been earmarked for reserve development within the next two years.  

The $2.5 million land purchase was made using Reserve Financial Contributions (RFCs), and further developments of the space will be factored into future Long-Term Plan discussions. 

Reserves and Facilities Manager Grant Reburn said the land, located between the switchbacks section Paton Road and the intersection with Bateup/ Road, consists of just under five hectares, combining undulating grounds and elevated scenic views across Waimea and Tasman Bay.  

A house on the property was also included in the sale – however this is likely to be sold off, along with an agreed section of the land, at a later date. 

Grant said a landscape plan will now be prepared to determine how the reserve will take shape. 

“We are keen to continue enhancing the aesthetic created by the previous owners through the planting of native and exotic trees, while also investing in additional fencing, signage and pathways. 

“The acquisition of the land has been supported by our Richmond Ward Councillors, who had identified the value of having land of this size and location set aside for the enjoyment of the community. 

“The land purchase is in line with our open space strategy, while also ensuring a green buffer between existing and future residential development.” 

“The future reserve’s location also offers opportunities to create and increase connections between recreational and urban areas.”