News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

News in November 2024

Moturoa Box 2

Old telephone box gets new life

Remember the old red telephone box? They used to be everywhere and taken for granted, but they’ve now been relegated to history and virtually forgotten –…


Let’s get rid of Gunnera

This pest plant is a prickly potential spreader that we hope to keep out of Tasman.

Gunnera tinctoria – otherwise known as Chilean Rhubarb – looks like…

Update to the TRMP

The Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) has been updated with the following information:

Plan Change 79 – Deferred Zoning is now notified, and the submissions period closes…

Boil water notice

Update 4 November - The precautionary Boil Water Notice for residents on the Eighty-Eight water supply has been lifted.